Thursday, December 8, 2011


Written by Gwenda on December 8th 2011
Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidental

You will need:

Font of choice – I used Alba

Tube of choice. I used Nerd by Keith Garvey. You may buy Keith’s work at PTE

Rose’s template 108. From Tag templates and more

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL scrapkit called Blue, by Mago74
Unbelievably this is FTU and can be found

Mura Meister Copies – this is a free filter I use a lot, and you can find it

Open template in PSP. Copy, and close the original.

Image – canvas size 750 x 650 (resize later)

Delete top layer (copyright) and Frames ( 7th layer down – it’s the frames around the wordart “Trouble”)

Click on bottom white layer and fill white

Paper 3 resize 20%
Black rectangle – Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Layers – new raster layer.
Paste Paper 3 into selection.
Sharpen. Dropshadow. Delete template layer.
Rename this layer TOP RECTANGLE

Rectangle fill (blue) – Adjust Hue & Saturation – Colorize 120   147
Rename this layer RECTANGLE FILL GREEN

Tone – Leave as it is.

Frame Fill – Adjust – add noise – random 50, with monochrome checked.
Sharpen. Dropshadow

Frame – Leave as it is.

Set foreground colour to #299780 Background null
From preset shapes, select your rectangle tool.
Change line style to dotted
Width 2
Click on frame layer, and draw a rectangle of dots so that it sits evenly inside the black frame.
Give dots an inner bevel. Dropshadow.
Rename this layer DOTTED RECTANGLE

Paper 1 – resize 20%. Flip
Bottom rectangle - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Layers – new raster layer.
Paste Paper 1 into selection.
Dropshadow. Delete template layer.
Rename this layer BOTTOM RECTANGLE

Paper 12 – resize 20% then 70%. Free rotate right 90 and paste as a new layer underneath the Bottom pink rectangle

Click on Bottom Pink Rectangle - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Selections - invert.
Click on Paper 12 and hit delete..
Adjust Brightness & Contrast.   B = minus15, C = 0
Sharpen. Dropshadow.
Delete template Layer.
Rename this layer PAPER 12 RECTANGLE

Set foreground to #083c41 and background to #299780.
Make background gradient 45 degrees with 5 repeats.

Click on Black frame fill - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Layers – new raster layer and fill with gradient. DO NOT DESELECT
Effects – Murameister – cloud
Click reset colours once – OK.
Delete template layer.

Click back on Green frame fill.
Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Selections – modify – expand 6. Layers – new raster layer – fill black.

Make sure your black layer is above the green frame fill layer.
Click on green frame fill. Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Click on black layer and hit delete.
Deselect. ( You should be left with black frames ).
Adjust – add noise random 50, with monochrome checked.
Sharpen. Dropshadow
Rename this layer BLACK FRAMES

Paper 9 – resize 20%
Frame fill (purple) - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Selections – modify – expand 6. Layers – new raster layer. Paste paper 9 into selection.
Effects – edge effect – enhance.
Delete template Layer.

Paper 3 – resize 20%
Frames - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat. Selections – modify – expand 6. Layers – new raster layer. Paste paper 3 into selection.
Adjust – add noise random 50, with monochrome checked.
Sharpen. Dropshadow
Delete template Layers – new raster layer Rename layer FRAMES

Metal Buttons 2 – Dropshadow

Metal Buttons 1 – Duplicate. On top copy, dropshadow.
On bottom copy, erase the 2 buttons on the left. Move the other down to the right of paper 12 rectangle. Duplicate – mirror and merge these 2 together.
This should appear as Copy of Metal Buttons 1

Wordart - Selections – select all – selections float – selections defloat.
Layers – new raster layer – fill with #083c41.
Deselect. Inner bevel. Dropshadow.
Delete template layer.

El 3 (lace) – Resize 20%. Paste as a new layer under grey frames fill layer.
Move to the right.
Sharpen. Duplicate – mirror. Merge both together. Dropshadow.
Rename LACE

El 84 (vine) – Resize 30%. Paste as a new layer above the dotted rectangle layer, and move to the left. Erase the top part. Sharpen. Duplicate – mirror. Merge both together. Dropshadow.
Rename VINE

El 26 (flower vine) – Resize 30% then 60%. Flip.
Paste above wordart layer on the left. Sharpen.
Erase the thick branchy bit.
Duplicate – mirror and merge together. Dropshadow.

El 34 (hanging flowers) – Resize 15%
Paste as new layer over the flower vine layer and move to the right.
Erase the top strings so they are level with the top of the frame fill.
Duplicate – mirror and merge together. Dropshadow.

Tube – Paste as top layer and position to one side slightly (see my tag for reference).
Duplicate – mirror. Dropshadow both.

El 67 (flower branch) – Resize 30% then 60%
Paste as top layer on the left.
Sharpen. Duplicate – mirror.
Merge down and dropshadow.

I added some words, but that is up to you.

To add text on a curve:

Set foreground to a colour you can easily see, stroke width 1 or 2. Set background to null.

Draw a circle using the ellipse tool, to the size you want.
Objects – align – centre in canvas. Adjust size if necessary, but realign again if you do.

Layers – new raster layer

Set your foreground and background to the colours you want to use, and select the text you will be using.

Hover over the circle near the top, and you should see +A. Once you get close to the circle line, it should change to +A on an angle with a half-circle under it.
Sounds a bit confusing, but if you follow the steps properly, you will see what I mean.

Once you see the +A change to the angle, you can click and start typing.
You will see your words appear on a curve.
To centralize them, click at the beginning of the words in your text box and hit the space bar a few times to move them into position.
Once you have applied the text, you cannot change the spacing of it, so make sure you get it right at this point!

When you have finished your words, click Apply.
Add dropshadow if you wish.
Now – most importantly, remember to close off the coloured circle by clicking the little eye in the layer palette.

Crop & resize if desired.

Add copyrights and name.

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