Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Written by Gwenda on December 13th 2011
Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidental

You will need:

Tramages pool shadow filter, FTU found

Font of choice – I used Anastasia, found

Tube of choice. I used Cancer by The Hunter. These tubes can be purchased through PTE

Scrapkit is called 2Tix2Paradyce by Digicats. It’s a FTU kit with awesome colours!! Find it

Mask of choice –I used WSL119 by Wee Scots Lass.

DBV Template. I used Cancer which can be found under templates - Zodiac

Unzip filters, copy (or drag) the file into the Plug-Ins sub-folder of the Photoshop folder.

Open Cancer Template. Copy, and close original.
Resize 110% all layers checked.
Image – canvas size 700 x 700
Click on white layer at the bottom and floodfill white ( make sure you click on the little eye to open the layer)

Delete top layer (copyright). And Raster 5 (circle frame)

Merge together the following pairs of layers:
Promoted selection and Promoted selection 2. These will be the 2 top lines of symbols

  Copy of Promoted selection 2 and Promoted selection 1. These will be the 2 bottom lines of symbols

Add new raster layer on top of white background. Selections – select all. Paste Paper 7 into selection. Deselect

Layers – load/save mask WSL 119
Merge group. Stretch to edges

Set foreground colour to #4e3a56 and Background to # ecc8b0
Make background gradient 0 degrees with 1 repeat.

Raster 2 (bottom stripes) – Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Fill with gradient. Layers – new raster layer. Fill with White.
Delete template layer. Rename gradient layer BOTTOM STRIPES.
In layers palette, move white layer to sit above Promoted selection 1.

Promoted Selection 1 (bottom symbols) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Selections – invert. Click on white layer and hit delete.
Delete template layer. Rename BOTTOM SYMBOLS. Give inner bevel, and dropshadow

Raster 3 (frames) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Paste Paper 20 into selection.
Deselect. Delete template layer.
Adjust – add noise Gaussian 60, with monochrome checked. Dropshadow.

Copy of Raster 2 (top stripes) – Repeat same steps as for Bottom stripes.

Promoted Selection 2 (top symbols) - Repeat same steps as for bottom symbols.

Copy of Raster 3 (Top frame) - Repeat same steps as for Bottom Frames

Paper 17 – mirror.
Copy of Raster 4 (Black oval) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Paste mirrored Paper 17 into selection.
Deselect. Sharpen. Delete template layer.
Rename OVAL.
Effects – tramages – pool shadow on default settings.

From scrapkit open Chained – resize 75% and place to the left of the oval. Duplicate twice and move into position with equal spacing between the three.
Merge all 3 chained layers together. Sharpen. Dropshadow.
Rename CHAIN.
Click on Oval. Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Selections – invert. Click on CHAIN and hit  delete.

Untitled (Oval frame) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Paste Paper 9 into selection.
Deselect. Sharpen. Delete template layer.
Give inner bevel and dropshadow.

Raster 9 (crab) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Fill with Black.
Deselect. Delete template layer.
Resize crab 90% all layers unchecked.
Image – free rotate left 45
Sharpen, inner bevel. Dropshadow.
In layers palette, right click to bring up menu – Arrange – bring to top.

Raster 4 (circle) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Paste Paper 18 into selection.
Deselect. Delete template layer.**
Rename CIRCLE 1
Effects – tramages – pool shadow on default settings.

Paper 9 – resize 50%
Raster 8 (frame) - Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Paste resized Paper 9 into selection.
Deselect. Delete template layer.
Sharpen. Dropshadow
Rename FRAME 1

Paper 18 – Image – rotate right
Paper 9 ( still resized ) - Image – rotate right
(Doing this will give a variation to the circle fills and frames.)

Copy of Raster 4 (circle) – Repeat steps for Circle 1 as far as **
Rename CIRCLE 2
Effects – tramages – pool shadow as above, but change Intensity to 67 and lightness to 50

Paper 18 – Image – rotate right again
Paper 9 ( still resized ) - Image – rotate right again

Raster 7 (frame) – Repeat steps for Frame 1 as above.
Rename FRAME 2

Copy (2) of Raster 4 (circle) – Repeat steps for Circles 1 & 2 as far as **
Rename CIRCLE 3
Effects – tramages – pool shadow as above, but change both Intensity and Lightness back to 128

Paper 18 – Image – rotate right yet again
Paper 9 ( still resized ) - Image – rotate right yet again

Raster 6 (frame) - Repeat steps for Frames 1 & 2 as above
Rename FRAME 3

Copy (3) of Raster 4 (circle) – Go back to gradient you made previously. Change angle to 45 and repeats to 1.
Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Layers – new raster layer. Fill with gradient, then New raster layer and fill with black.
Deselect and delete template layer.
Rename gradient CIRCLE 4
In layers palette, move black circle to sit above the Promoted Selection 3 ( words).
Click on Promoted Selection 3 layer. Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Selections – invert.
Click on black circle and hit delete.
Rename WORDS. Reduce opacity to 70

From scrapkit open Frame 07 – Resize 30% and position above Words layer.
Sharpen. Dropshadow.

Pace tube as top layer. Duplicate, and move one copy to sit above CHAIN.
On Oval layer. Selections – select all. Selections – float. Selections – defloat. Selections – invert. Click on bottom tube and hit delete.

On top tube, erase the bit sticking out of the oval at the bottom. Dropshadow top tube only.

Splatter 1 – Paste over mask layer, and move to bottom right. Duplicate – mirror – flip.
Merge together and dropshadow.

Glitter trail 01 – Paste over splatter layer and position under bottom stripes.
Duplicate – flip.
Merge together and dropshadow.

Heart Deco – resize 60% and position above top tube.
Duplicate – mirror –flip.
Merge together and dropshadow.

Tag 03 – Resize 50%. Free rotate right 25. Sharpen. Dropshadow

I merged each circle frame down to it’s circle and moved them around a bit to give the tag a bit more shape.

Using Anastasia font, type The Crab.

Add any other embellishments if you want to.

Crop & resize if desired.

Add copyrights and name.

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